Monday, May 11, 2009


Dragonfly is almost 20 months old now. She has come a long way in the last couple months and it has been amazing to watch. She is still my snuggle bug which I absolutely love but now she is gaining alot of Independence. She loves being outside. She loves puppies and our neighbors have plenty to share. Her favorite food is bananas and she wants one when she first wakes up. She also loves chocolate....but all my kids do. She has started wanting to sit like a big kid at the table. This makes me nervous because my table is alot higher than most and I don't want her to fall. She is really good about picking up things and putting them away. She loves to help empty the dishwasher. She is a sock fetish....and right now she is wearing 6 pairs of socks. Her vocabulary is growing everyday but I am sure it will need some more special attention. She loves to color and I find her coloring on anything and everything.

1 comment:

  1. We have a 2 year old that has a sock fetish. He belongs to the family with 7 kids so you can imagine the pile of socks he gets to play in. If he is having a bad day my daughter can give him the sock basket and he will be happy.
