Tuesday, November 10, 2009


For the time being this blog will be retired. Please follow us on www.lifethrowsyousurprises.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cat Allergies

So it seems that Princess Flower is allergic to the cats or at least sensitive to them. We have had them in her room. We noticed her eyes getting really swollen and itchy so I had her sleep in the guest room for two nights. Her eyes cleared up. To further test things out she slept in her own room again last night and woke up this morning and looked horrible. So we are now trying to figure out where to relocate the cats. We didn't buy a house that had a lot of extra space for a litter box to be place so this is an interesting situation. We are contemplating the garage for now because it is still pretty warm. Not sure what we will do when winter really sets in.

On another note the cats think Lexi is a toy now. They aren't afraid of her anymore. Lexi isn't afraid of them which poses quite a problem when they are trying to carry her away in their mouths. I don't know that the sellers of the sugar gliders were thinking when they said that cats won't try to eat them. So now we have to keep the cats away from Lexi if she is out of her cage.