It may have taken her awhile to walk but not to run. And she is off............and I am chasing her while she laughs at me. Oh they grow up so fast but I am not regretting her learning to walk. We are both so much happier.
Aunt Kiki made yummy pizza that we enjoyed outside........the weather was awesome and the kids were all having so much fun. Actually the whole street was having a blast with out kids, having water fights and finding creatures at the creek.
I made my own play dough for the first time. Not sure the savings but it was easy to do.
I set up a table outside with our play dough toys for all the kids to play with.
Our last moments together before they took off to ATL. Little Go feel asleep and I got to cuddle her while her mom finished packing up.
I miss having them around so much. Next time I hope they can bring at least two more precious girls with them. The more the merrier. It was an awesome visit and sad to see them leave.
Aunt KiKi and I went out to the Melting Pot for girls night out with GO. We made the mistake of taking GO out of her car seat to bring her into the restaurant and she wasn't too happy about being woken up. I enjoyed bouncing her and helping her calm down while her mom grabbed a bite to eat. I love having a baby around and she is such a sweet one even when she is crying.
Her mom tried to feed her before we left the parking lot and she wasn't having it. She is a strong one and was standing while was the cutest thing. I think because she is so tiny but so strong.
On April 24th, we celebrated Butterfly's 5th birthday. She has been asking for weeks when her birthday was going to be and was so excited when the day finally arrived. So was Ladybug because she was told on Butterfly's birthday she got to go back with Butterfly at therapy and jump on the trampoline. Ladybug has asked everyday we go to therapy since February if that day was Butterfly's birthday. They had so much fun but were upset when she couldn't do the rest of therapy too. Butterfly doing the obstacle course.
We left therapy and headed to Chick-fil-A for lunch before going to piano lessons.
Piano lessons wore two little girls out. I loved how they feel asleep the same way.
Butterfly dressed in her birthday outfit and ready for the zoo but not wanting to take a picture.
She choose to go to the Reptile house first.
We found a dragonfly at the zoo.
Pretending to be prairie dogs.
Back home we had dinner and then awesome birthday brownies. This is the first year she has blown out her own candles and didn't look away when people sang happy birthday to her. Some big improvements.
Excited to see the box....all the girls are very familiar with these boxes.
A new summer outfit for her baby! Her baby has worn it ever since.
This day was also Princess Flower's half birthday so I got her alittle something special. She had a pretty good idea what it was and got really excited.
Nutmeg!!!!!!!!!! (Julie's bunny pet from American Girl. PF loves pets!)
We had a great day and it was so nice to have family there to share in the day. We have been so luck to have family willing to make birthdays special for our girls. We move so frequently and aren't usually close to family that it is great when they come to us to celebrate or have a special celebration near their birthdays. It really means alot to me and the girls.
Last Tuesday, more bugs (Aunt Butterfly and her 3 Caterpillars) joined us for a week of fun. After a much needed rest from driving through the night, We headed to Prince William National Park which is all of a mile from my house. They had a small museum and a 1/2 mile trail that we enjoyed. We sat for awhile and had a popcorn snack before getting back in the car and taking a scenic drive. I am sure the drive would be even more beautiful now because Spring has brought it such beautiful greens.
I thought this was a cool tree.
Wednesday, the girls and I stayed at home while our visitors headed to DC. Thursday we took an awesome trip into DC.
We decided it was best to take the Metro into the city. It was nice to just push my double stroller onto the train and back off....the elevators were another story....but the train was great.
Our cute little ones.
After a short walk and one child bouncing because she had to go potty, we arrived at the National Museum of Natural History. I have already discussed our adventures here but I thought I would show a few more pictures.
I make a tall Egyptian!
The Hope Diamond is beautiful.
After lunch, we headed to the Air and Space Museum. The kids all loved flying the Cessna 150. Butterfly was curious to see what she was causing to happen. Ladybug was so serious and then she did an awesome job keeping the model airplane level....I think she might be her daddy's little pilot. Butterfly did pretty well with the model airplane as well.
We hopped on the train and headed further north in the city to the Spy Museum. When we got off the train, we met a challenge with the elevators and getting to street level. We all seemed a bit worn out so what solves this..........that's right Starbucks and since they are on every corner we found one pretty quickly.
Oh the fraps were so tasty and really gain us what we needed to finish the day. The older kids were treated with one as well and the younger ones had chocolate milk. I later regretted giving Butterfly chocolate still makes her sick. The littlest caterpillar was feeling left out so we left her lick the straw.
Kids crawling through the ducts........I found out after this that we weren't suppose to take pictures.
Walking back to the train....aren't they so cute. The boys really helped to look out for all the girls.