Thursday, April 30, 2009

April was a Month of Visitors

Last Tuesday, more bugs (Aunt Butterfly and her 3 Caterpillars) joined us for a week of fun. After a much needed rest from driving through the night, We headed to Prince William National Park which is all of a mile from my house. They had a small museum and a 1/2 mile trail that we enjoyed. We sat for awhile and had a popcorn snack before getting back in the car and taking a scenic drive. I am sure the drive would be even more beautiful now because Spring has brought it such beautiful greens.

I thought this was a cool tree.

Wednesday, the girls and I stayed at home while our visitors headed to DC. Thursday we took an awesome trip into DC.

We decided it was best to take the Metro into the city. It was nice to just push my double stroller onto the train and back off....the elevators were another story....but the train was great.

Our cute little ones.

After a short walk and one child bouncing because she had to go potty, we arrived at the National Museum of Natural History. I have already discussed our adventures here but I thought I would show a few more pictures.

I make a tall Egyptian!

The Hope Diamond is beautiful.

After lunch, we headed to the Air and Space Museum. The kids all loved flying the Cessna 150. Butterfly was curious to see what she was causing to happen. Ladybug was so serious and then she did an awesome job keeping the model airplane level....I think she might be her daddy's little pilot.

Butterfly did pretty well with the model airplane as well.

We hopped on the train and headed further north in the city to the Spy Museum. When we got off the train, we met a challenge with the elevators and getting to street level. We all seemed a bit worn out so what solves this..........that's right Starbucks and since they are on every corner we found one pretty quickly.

Oh the fraps were so tasty and really gain us what we needed to finish the day.

The older kids were treated with one as well and the younger ones had chocolate milk. I later regretted giving Butterfly chocolate still makes her sick.

The littlest caterpillar was feeling left out so we left her lick the straw.

Kids crawling through the ducts........I found out after this that we weren't suppose to take pictures.

Walking back to the train....aren't they so cute. The boys really helped to look out for all the girls.

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